Gaming and Design

I play video games. There, I’ve said it. I’ve been playing for yeeeaaarrrrrss. Seriously. Started with a text multiplayer on a BBS in 1996. Because I play, I would love to design things for the games I play. Thing is, you can’t. Not really. Most everything is under some type of copyright or trademark.

There are ways to make designs that are related to the gaming experience, without compromising the copyright. Take this bag for example:

If you’ve played World of Warcraft at all, you know the pain of this error. It means it’s either time to hit the Auction House or, oh noes!, delete things from your bag or bank. I have an Autographed Portrait of Jaina Proudmoore I’ve kept for years. And mats. So many mats I’ll never use. Hoarder? Maybe.

There are more WoW related gifts in this shop on Zazzle – Now Breaking

Recently I started playing Fortnite. You should try it. It is so well made and fun! Anyway, I had read that ‘older’ people don’t do well with it because their reflexes are shot. When they say ‘older’, they usually mean over 30. Being a bit [lol] over 30, I was pretty sure I would suck. Turns out, I do not suck. I’m pretty good at it, like, really good. I wanted to make a shirt that said, “I’m pretty good at Zero Build Solo”, because I thought it would be fun to wear – surprising. Nopeity, nope.
Seems ‘zero build’ is so Fortnite it’s not allowed. Well, not on Zazzle, because they’re very strict – which is good, as someone with a trademark, I appreciate it. So I made girl gamer things instead.

Here’s the link to the items – Girl Gamer Gear
I liked the mousepad so much, I got one myself.

Get it on Zazzle!

So, if you really like something, you can make a design related to it, just not with the name or logo in the design. When you’ve played a game a while, you know the inside jokes that would work, without encroaching on copyright. Play on, my friends, play on!